
At Victoria Pain Management our philosophy is to manage pain, return function and improve quality of life of our patients.

Phone :- (03) 4313 2028
Fax: (03) 4343 1359

Mail :- admin@vicpainmanagement.com.au
Address :-707 Mair St, Ballarat VIC 3350

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Phone : (03) 4313 2028

Fax : (03) 4343 1359


707 Mair st

Ballarat VIC 3350


240 Hoppers Lane

Werribee VIC 3030


190 Station Rd

Melton VIC 3337


Dr Suran Dhanapala

Pain Specialist and Specialist Anaesthetist


Pain Specialist and Anaesthetist



MBBS – Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

FANZCA -Fellow of Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists

FFPMANZCA– Fellow of Faculty of Pain Medicine Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists



Dr Suran Dhanapala is a interventional pain specialist and specialist anaesthetist.

Dr Suran completed his medical degree at the university of Tasmania.

He completed his post graduate training  in QLD, at the Townsville hospital where he obtained his comprehensive training in interventional pain medicine and anaesthesia.

He is a staff specialist in pain medicine at the Ballarat base Hospital.

Dr Suran focuses on the individuals experience with chronic pain, and utilises a comprehensive multi disciplinary approach to treatment. He understands the impact chronic pain can have on the individual and their families, and is motivated to provide high level multidisciplinary care.